Monday, February 2, 2009

RUMOR: Anderson Heading Out?

According to Scot Gregor of the Daily Herald, Brian Anderson might be headed out of Chicago. On the depth chart, BA is below Dewayne Wise and Jerry Owens, who both posses speed and lead-off skills. I would be opposed to this trade because Brian brings excellent defense that every member of the projected outfield lacks. He gives good power, especially against left handed pitching but was rumored to be in Ozzie's dog-house. Ken Williams, Whitesox Gm, was quoted " “If Brian Anderson would have played every day last year, he would have hit about .275 and would have hit 25 home runs. I don't think you can disagree with that.” Is Kenny just trying to create a market? Is he being serious? We will find out.

1 comment:

  1. I think the white sox should keep B.A around a bit longer, he is a young, versatile player that can play many positions. He can also get on base most of the time.


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