Monday, April 20, 2009

Swisher vs. Ozzie

Nick Swisher recently made some comments about Joe Girardi being the best manager he has ever played for. This didn't bode to well with Guillen: (From the Trib)

"He's got to say what he's got to say," Guillen said Sunday. "He was talking about people he's only known for two weeks. That's hard to make that statement when you only know people for two weeks, but that's Nick."I'm not pretending to be the best manager. I never will. But I guarantee that I will manage a lot longer than he will play. That's all I can say. And I've got more friends in baseball than I have enemies."Some people can't handle the way I manage. It's not easy. When you manage you have to deal with 25 to 50 people every year to make people happy. You can't. But it's easy when you hit .350 or .390, everybody is a good manager."In Sunday's New York Post, Swisher, who's hitting .333, said of Girardi: "Never want to play for anybody else. There's just something about him, man. He brings everybody together. Best manager I ever played for."Swisher spent only one season with the Sox after batting .219 and seeing his playing time diminish late in the season.Swisher also said of beleaguered Yankees star Alex Rodriguez, who has spent little time with the club because of a hip injury: "Greatest ever. Just an awesome guy. Very misunderstood."Said Guillen: "All of a sudden, [Swisher] knows everyone on the ball club. I was reading the article, and I just laughed. You only got one week, two weeks on the team, and everyone is nice?"That's the way Swisher is. Things work out for him good, everyone is great. That [stuff] doesn't work out for him, it's someone's fault."

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